Village Web Site Forum

Paul Wilkinson
Friday, October 19, 2007 09:10
Sutton Bonfire Night
Details of Sutton Village Committee's "Sutton Bonfire Night" have been updated on the News and Events page.

Note the change of location from Sutton Park to Thompson's Field.
A Former Holme Bridger
Friday, October 19, 2007 15:04
Ah yes, Thompsons field. I remember many a moon back going 'progging' for firewood, cardboard and paper around the houses of Holme Bridge. Back then the bonfire was always in Thompsons field and we would drag everything over on bogies (go carts for any off cumdens). If there was anything big like a door or sofa we would take it to the farm and Leonard would take it over on his trailer. We used to climb on the bonfire in the days running up to plot night and sit guard over it.

I seem to remember that you could buy jacket potatoes from over the Baptist Chapel wall......Mmmmmmm...... now THERE'S an idea!!!!!

Caroline Campbell
Sunday, October 21, 2007 16:54
Hello, just read this message and I was interested in 'Thompson's field', does anyone know where the name came from. As a Thompson researching my family history I would be interested to know if it has any connection to my family which can be traced back to the early 1700's from around the sutton/cowling/eastburn areas.
This site is fantastic and I have been looking at all the photo's, but wherabouts is Thompsons field.
Sunday, October 21, 2007 22:51
Hi Caroline

Thompson's field is off Holme Lane, between the Baptist Church and the beck. It can be seen on the 6th and 7th aerial photos in the gallery titled "Holme Lane, Manse Way and the Sheilings Estate. Scene of the August 2004 flood." and "Holme Beck, Rowan Garth, Meadow Lea and The Hawthorns."

I'm sure other viewers will be able to tell you more about the Thompson family.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:26
Thompson's field belonged to Leonard Thompson. Leonard's mother was a Clough and sister to my hubands paternal grandmother. A family history of the Cloughs exists somewhere which traces the line back to a blacksmith who lived near Keighley tarn in the 1400s. Hope this is of some help Caroline.
Nick Barrett
Sunday, November 4, 2007 10:57
Hello everyone,
On the subject of Bonfires, does anyone know the time of the fireworks this evening? The info seems to have been removed from the news section!
Paul Wilkinson
Sunday, November 4, 2007 13:35
Hi Nick, thanks for pointing that out, they're not supposed to disappear until the following day! I've re-instated it in the news section.
Rachael J Thompson
Sunday, November 4, 2007 19:52
Thank you to all who helped at the Bonfire, it was MAGNIFICENT, A CREDIT TO YOU ALL. The fireworks were SPECTACULAR, out of this world. Looking forward to next years. Thanks yet again
Sutton in Craven
Monday, November 5, 2007 18:11
What a success brilliant fire works! great weather and great crowd to go with it!
Well done to all organisers.
Another former Holme Bridger
Monday, November 5, 2007 18:17
Funny I was remembering the jacket potatoes and soup served form over the Chapel wall and telling my children. Instead I see a flurry of burger vans. I agree with Rachel the fireworks were fab looking forward to next year.
Monday, November 12, 2007 15:11
Just moved into the area in October from out of town and our first Bonfire Night in Sutton was fantastic. The people here are so friendly and the town is lovely. Looking forward to many more local events in the coming years.
Mr Bilbs
Sutton in Craven
Friday, November 16, 2007 12:56
Just like Judith this was our first Sutton Nov 5th. WOW! FANTASTIC!!! Great fireworks! It was worth the move for this event alone.
Friday, October 10, 2008 15:50
Hi, just ripping out hideous fitted wardrobes! Will the wood be any use for bonfire night and if so, where should I take it?

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