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Kevin McVay
Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:05
looking for Janet Longbottom
once again i'm trying to find Janet Longbottom, formerly of South Craven school and used to live in park avenue, married name unknown and living somewhere in the Salford area. would like to catch up
Terry Longbottom
Monday, August 19, 2013 09:26
O M G yet another Longbottom. I'll say it before anyone ells do's
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Monday, August 19, 2013 09:40
Well I went to school with the Longbottom twins who lived down Gordon St, I don't know where they fit into the clan. I haven't come across any Longbottoms here in Adelaide so Sutton seems to have cornered the market!
Denise White
Monday, August 19, 2013 12:08
Hi Kevin, do you mean Janet Longbottom sister to Peter and David Longbottom who were both Directors at Hayfields mill?
Kevin McVay
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 11:02
Hi Denise, yes she had brothers called Peter and David but i had no idea they were directors at the mill. When your only 14 anyone who had left school and was working was deemed old. I do remember she used to look after one of their baby sons, David's, I think, as he was the eldest. Not much I remember other than they had 2 beautiful Labrador Retreivers and they lived next to the Clarksons in Park Avenue. We lost contact after coming to Oz in 1969
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 13:53
I remember the whole family well Kevin, they actually lived on Harper Grove just around the corner from where we lived.

As mentioned above, David & Peter did extremely well in becoming Directors of Hayfield's Mill and David had a big flash car, but unfortunately he died quite young in his 40s around the late 1980s. I haven't seen Janet since the mid-late 70s.

I used to work with their father Norman Longbottom at Matthews in Eastburn in 1977. I was a weaver there on these super fast & modern Swiss Sulzer looms for 6 months or so before I was summonsed to team up with Norman in a different department for a few weeks. I forget what the process was called but it was in a nice quiet area away from the noise of the looms.

Norman was a dab hand with a reed hook, he used to thrust the hook through the small metal eyes at LIGHTENING speed and grasp the thread of weft I was holding and drag it through to the other side (I think he was just showing off actually!). If I wasn't quick enough he'd stab my hand with the end of the reed hook!

It was all good fun and yes, the 2 Golden Retrievers were fine looking beasts. Norman would walk them up Baxter's field to the woods every day with his wellibobs on.
Denise White
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 12:48
I haven't been in contact with Janet for a long time, I used to work with her at Hayfields Mill. She married a Liverpool lad in about 1981 and as far as I know she is still there

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