Village Web Site Forum

Robin Longbottom
Monday, June 8, 2015 06:43
Destruction of wild flowers in Sutton
It is now generally accepted that roadside verges provided one of the last refuges for wild flowers and grasses, 97% of wild flower meadows have been lost in Britain since the last War. It is reported that in some counties wild flower species are going extinct at the rate of 2 a year. The verges on the tops above Sutton are particularly rich and include milk maids, the occasional cowslip and considerable numbers of common spotted orchids (actually not so common). However, over the last week considerable areas of verge along West Lane and Pole Road have been mown to ground level, just as the above species are coming into bloom. Areas where I have seen orchids in the past have now been destroyed, at least for this year. Most Councils now have a policy of refraining from cutting the verges (and the hedgerows) until late Summer or Autumn. Does anyone know what Craven's policy is? Does anyone know who has done this work and can they be persuaded to cease until the back end of they year, when cutting will benefit the plants. Villagers may want to take this issue up with their local Councillors and Council or the person who has undertaken this untimely work.
Terry Longbottom
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 08:46
On the theme of roadside plants the growth beside the hairpin bend of goose eye brow is Japanese knotweed a particularly insidious and virulent weed extremely difficult to eradicate, brought to this country by Victorian botanists. It has colonized the country by traveling the waterways and railway corridors, the smallest segment can float or be blown to its next destination there it will grow at an amazing speed.
Joan M. Tindale
Thursday, June 11, 2015 22:21
Was under the impression that due to cutbacks many verges are only being mown twice per year, and some not at all! Think the rules were in last week's Craven Herald, depending on which type of road etc.
Joan M. Tindale
Monday, June 15, 2015 21:49
Took particular notice of the verges today - some look good and contain several species - and are not very wide, whereas in some country lanes there is almost more verge than road these days! If we refer to some of the old photos- grass verges were mainly non existent and must have built up over the years due to neglect. (A few of last year's poppy seeds now coming up.)

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