Village Web Site Forum

Jeff Dale
Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Monday, April 21, 2014 21:26
Family history of a Sutton Mill girl Lilian Wales
I am trying to find information about my mother Lilian Wales who was a Sutton mill girl.
My mother died over 20 years ago but I have a photograph album showing pictures of her and her friends taken during her stay in Sutton.

She was born in 1930 and came from Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
Around 1949/50 she came to work in Sutton and lived for a time in a hostel in the village for a time but eventually moved into a house at No 8 Main Street.
The information I have is very sketchy but I understand it to be the home of an overseer called Cyril Naylor. I cannot remember his wife's name but my mother referred to them as Mam & Dad Naylor as they were so good to her.

When working in the village she was diagnosed with a brain tumour and had to return to Rotherham where she underwent surgery which left her totally blind.
I understand that a benefit concert was held for her before she left.
Fortunately, she recovered and later married and had a son, me.

I know she corresponded with the Naylor's for a time and visited Mam Naylor after Dad Naylor died, but eventually lost touch.

She often talked about the mills calling them Bearstows and Hartleys but I am unsure which one she worked at.

I would be grateful if anyone has any information about her time in the village or can put me in touch with anyone that can, although I appreciate that the likelihood of any one remembering her is remote.

I am happy to share the photographs that I have with your archive if requested and am willing to come up and meet anyone who can help me.

Many thanks,

Jeff Dale
Margaret Lee
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 15:15
Hi Jeff, Clarice and Cicil Naylor were my great Aunt and Uncle My grandma lived across the St my Mum thinks she can remember your Mum but she was housekepper on a farm at the time with me as a baby . My memories of going to Aunties are very vivid as I spent a lot of time with my Grandad across the street. My Mum is 88yrs old and not as sharp as she was so its difficult to question her too much they all worked for Bairstows and all the houses belonged to the mill my grandad died in 1955 and they were very good to her as she had been a mill girl and had lived in the hostel in the early 1900s if I can help in anyway please get in touch Margaret Lee

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