Village Web Site Forum

Julia Garrison
Friday, March 9, 2007 17:31
The Garth Sutton in Craven
Has anyone got a picture of the house called "The Garth" at Sutton in Craven. It was built for my great grandafather John Tillotson Hartley and it faces Sutton park.

Paul Wilkinson
Monday, March 12, 2007 09:06
Hi Julia

If you leave this with me I'll sort something out for you.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007 16:26
The house that you refer to is the "Butterfly House", which is on the corner of Hazel Grove Road and Holme Lane and faces onto the Park. The house is known as ? Garth. I think it is Thorn Garth but cannot be certain. I spoke this morning to the present owner who is going to let you have a photograph via one route or another.
The house was originally built for one of the Hartley family and then occupied by the Thompson family ( those of Thompsons Woodturners). The second generation sold it to the present occupant about 20 years ago. They were extremely interested and helpful and I have no doubt you will receive a picture. The house is known locally as the Butterfly house because of it's unique shape. I used to visit it with my mother when I was a small child. She was related to Mrs Thompson senior.
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, April 4, 2007 09:52
Hi Julia

The "Butterfly House" is on the aerial photos with the following titles in the gallery section:

"Hazel Grove Road and Ash Grove."
"Sutton Park and St Thomas' Church."
"View of Sutton showing the Park, along the High Street and through to the Clough."

I've sent some close-up crops from these images direct to your email address.
sue fletcher
Wednesday, April 4, 2007 12:09
Hi Julia,

my husband Paul and I saw your message regarding our house called Glengarth,but known lacally as The Butterfly House. We have an aerial photograph which was taken approx 10 years ago;you can have a copy of that if you like.

Perhaps Paul Wilkinson could either let you have our e mail address or supply yours to us.

Best wishes Sue
Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:58
Sue and Paul,
Thanks for taking time to follow up the request.

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