Village Web Site Forum

Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, December 6, 2006 13:15
What do you think of the new Christmas Lights?
The new Christmas Lights are now lit in parts of the village. The Village Committee has sponsored them instead of doing the Christmas Trees. The lights can only attach to the newly upgraded lamp-posts, so they're concentrated on the roads around the park and Main Street this year.

Please let us know what you think - you can type your name as Anonymous if you don't want to give your own name.
Alan Pickles
Wednesday, December 6, 2006 16:57
I have only seen the lights unlit during the daytime. I think that those responsible for their erection deserve a big pat on the back. I look forward to seeing the full effect when I attend the panto at the weekend.
Alan Pickles.
Sunday, December 10, 2006 09:40
Having seen the lights in the main street, lit, I feel I must say " Well done" to all those responsible. I only wish that other towns and villages would take the same interest.Sutton is lucky to have found so many people who have an interest and are willing to do something about it.
Paul Wilkinson
Sunday, December 10, 2006 12:11
Hi Alan

Thanks for your comments!

Friday, December 15, 2006 17:55
Not enough people put pen to paper or fingers to keyboards (in this modern age!) to thank or praise people who work so tirelessly behind the scenes, whether its local volunteers, clubs and committees.To achieve such a marvellous effect that the Sutton Christmas Lights have proved this year is down to these local people who are dedicated and believe in their cause. So thankyou and well done to all concerned!
Paul Wilkinson
Saturday, December 16, 2006 13:17
Thanks for your comments Robert - I'll pass the message on to those concerned.
john and pat
Thursday, December 28, 2006 14:49
I commend those who have put so much effort into fund raising and so much effort into the organisation of the lights.However we wish we had been asked how we wanted the money to be spent or the changes made.
Sutton is a North Yorkshire village-not a town in west Yorkshire.As such we should look like so.If we had known that £6000 was going spare to be spent on Christmas lights-we would have offerred to put up an old fashioned tree on an old fashioned pole on our house.A lot of our neighbours would have done so also.Visiting friends think the lights are tasteless and tacky.As a plus-we think the tree in the park is much more nicely decorated than the old one
Friday, December 29, 2006 12:37
well i think the lights are very nice. And at least they have tried. Could you tell your snobby friends not to visit our village again if they think it is tacky instead why don't you go to theirs. thanks .
Friday, December 29, 2006 15:26
I am gobsmacked! Sutton's Christmas lights are a credit to Sutton Village Committee.

To John & Pat who do not agree, I ask "what is to stop you putting your old fashioned tree on your old fashioned pole anyway?" that way we could have the modern lights AND the traditional decorations.

As for the Village Committee having £6000 "to spare", in the Village Newsletter it states that they have been fundraising for the past 18 months to achieve this large scale project, so credit is due to all of them on their success.

Sutton Village Committee works tirelessly ALL YEAR ROUND to provide this village with a community spirit and I for one say CONGRATULATIONS AND WELL DONE TO ALL CONCERNED! I think they are twinkle-tastic!!

Alan Pickles.
Friday, December 29, 2006 17:16
How anyone can complain about the work done by volunteer members of the village committee and interest taken in the village I do not know. If they had any pride in the village and any interest in what goes on, then they would do better to join in and do something to help. This is typical of those prepared to do NOTHING BUT MOAN. Get off your high horse and ' muck in.' You never know you may enjoy it.
Just an aside, Sutton in Craven may be in North Yorkshire but it was only forced over that border in 1974. Guess what date, April 1st. Nuff said.
Be proud to live there and appreciate what others are doing for you.
Friday, December 29, 2006 20:49
In response to john and pat - there was nothing to stop you putting 'a tree on a pole' on your house at YOUR OWN COST,
- there was even a group of volunteers offering to source a tree put it up and even provide a set of lights for a reasonable charge - with the proceeds going to local causes.

- however it seems you are only willing to do so if SOMEONE ELSE PAYS FOR IT for you!

I am with Dawn and Alan - as the newsletter states volunteers have worked hard to try do something good for the village - the money was not 'spare'

As regards being asked about changes in the village - did the parish council not put a survey to every household, asking for their opinions? - - - and i recall the publicity at the time stating that there was a poor response rate! - too many people prepared to just moan about the things going on around them!
Sutton in Craven
Saturday, December 30, 2006 05:43
Ithink the lights look great.I have just recentley moved to Sutton and am amazed at all the local activities provided by the hard work of volunteers. Just to name a few the bonfire, Father christmas.
Well done to all the people that take part in making these things happen.
Also have to mention the great work of Mark the park keeper keeping the park clean and so well presented!
I have young children and have never been to a park so well looked after as sutton.
Keep up the good work.
Saturday, December 30, 2006 08:34
Hi Alan and Paul

think you should be grateful to John and Pat - for stirring up some interest in the site and showing that people DO log on to find out what's going on and you're not completely wasting your time ! may get more people adding comments to the site

Originating from the heart of West Yorkshire I think I prefer a North Yorkshire address Alan.Unfortunate we have to have a Bradford post code

Alan Pickles
Saturday, December 30, 2006 18:54
Hi Stan.
Welcome aboard. I was born and brought up in Sutton and spent the first eighteen years of my life there. I look back with pride at those years and the association that my family had and still have with the village. I left not through choice but to pursue a career elsewhere. I now live within easy travelling distance and visit whenever I can and also support activities held in the village. I think that the work done by the village committee and other organisations is well worthy of praise and consider those who live in the village, very fortunate people. Whether the village is in North or West Yorkshire is really of little consequence. It is still in the premier County. To those who complain, all I can do is to once again say, GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND DO SOMTHING ABOUT IT. I got involved where I now live and am pleased to say I still am.
Saturday, December 30, 2006 19:42
i thing the lights are not that good and it doesnt matter if the volunteers have put there effort into it i would av put chrismas lights on my house and a chrismas tree in my garden

frank .h.
Stuart Robinson
Tuesday, January 2, 2007 17:12
As most of the village are aware I am the Ex Chairman of the Village Committee who first introduced the idea of the lights into the village. I conducted several months of research along with other members of the Village Committee and indeed members of the Parish Council before presenting a detailed costing and proposal to the committee for final approval. There are a couple of points that I would like to raise.

Firstly the erecting of the lights was for us, the committee, a replacement to erecting the Christmas Trees because it took us volunteers 3 weekends to put up approx 75 trees around the village as opposed to 1 day to erect the lights on the lamp posts.

The members of the village committee work extreemly hard to raise money througout the year to stage the events that so many people in the village attend and every time we ask for help it is the same old faces that turn up and give their support. The committee meets once a month to discuss, amongst other things, financial asistance requests for the groups and organisations, which we often support, that are in the village and it should be noted that all the members details are posted in the Village newsletter so if you have a question or a problem ask or talk to us!

Finally please note that the members of the village committee give up most of their spare time for the good of this village we live in and I can safely say that there is no other village round here that still has a full gala day, a well organised bonfire night, the Christmas Spirit with Santa visiting and childrens xmas disco and so many other things that happen througout the year.

I for one am PROUD to live in this village called Sutton in Craven, be it West or North Yorkshire - who cares - and thank every one for their efforts in keepig our village a good and happy community where we all care!
Alan Pickles
Wednesday, January 3, 2007 13:41
Proud you should be. I only wish that others would follow your excellent example.
Garry Petersen
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:09
I would like to offer my congratulations to Stuart Robinson, the retiring Chairman, and to the other members of the Village Committee, for the hard work that they provide, in making our village look like it does.

When the lights went up, I took a look at the Christmas lights in Skipton, ours in Sutton looked so much better.

For the John's and Pat's in our village, I am joining the Village Committee, to be able to assist with the many tasks that the Village Committee perform, to make Sutton a better place to live. Perhaps you should consider it, at least then you would have a vote on where the acrued funds are spent.

Having already been involved in the volunteer work for Village Committee events, I know how hard the committee works, and how much time people are giving up, especially in regard to the bar events. So get off your bums, and get involved.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 18:59
I think the lights looked cheap and glitzy.long preston had the right idea with tasteful white lights in the trees.
jack and pam
Monday, January 22, 2007 16:56
congratulations to those who put so much effort into raising over £6000 in the name of Christmas.But shame on you all for spending it so obscenely on those Blackpool type illuminations and for vandalising our neighbourhood.We were indeed the laughing stock of surrounding villages!
Consider also the starving children in other countries and of homeless people and children without presents in our own country.How else could we have spent the money......Havent you heard of charity
Have you ever heard of reducing energy consumption and turning lights off to save our planet.....
You people out their on your pompous self rightous committees ought to be more responsible with your freedom....
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 19:07
How about that then. The last message really sums up the attitude of the sanctimonious, self righteous people who like to sit at home and insult others. If they and several others like them,who criticise the village committee, are typical of the current residents of Sutton, then heaven help the village. Just out of interest, I wonder what contribution they made to the starving children in other countries and if they felt any better for it. What a set of miserable beggars they are.
Appreciate that which is done on your behalf or get off your backsides and make a contribution in time and effort as opposed to shouting off afterwards.
No doubt they are part of the sandals and bead culture who see themselves as the saviours of the world.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 19:08

You are obviously not aware that Sutton Village Committee DOES donate money to local worthy causes THROUGHOUT THEY YEAR, not just Christmas. I think you are also not aware of how hard they all work to keep this village what it is... a traditional village with traditional traditions!

If you do not like what they do or how they spend the money may I make a suggestion? Why not JOIN the Committee instead of simply complaining about it??
Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:01
We moved to the village just before Christmas, so it was lovely to see that the members of Sutton village committee have taken time (obviously their own) to decorate the main St. Does it really matter what colour the lights are! Yes I agree Long Preston did look nice but so did Sutton. Well done to all concerned.
Jill and ed
Friday, January 26, 2007 05:38
Not all of us can be on the village committee,A lot of us are church elders or school governors,maybe we drive elderly folk to hospital appointments,may be we raise money by sponsored events,maybe we work at the hospice or donate via gift aid or direct debits to good causes.The point is we go about our goodness with humility.We do not expect public adoration for the good deeds we do and we do not rub peoples noses in our good deeds.We do not expect people to look at and like our good deeds every day.
We think the lights are NAF.A huge waste of money.Stick to fireworks-you do those brilliantly
Bob &Jane
Friday, January 26, 2007 21:25
The lights were ghastly.Looks like only committee people actually like them
Saturday, January 27, 2007 11:36
I'm not a Village Committee Member, nor have I ever been.
Charles and Jane
Saturday, January 27, 2007 14:43
people on committees like being on committees-its gives them power and authority that they fail to achieve through other chanels.They need to be in a group and do things collectively.They need the rituals of the meetings with minutes and agendas.The meeting is a social prop for people who find it hard to socialise naturally.So lets not be in any doubt about the fact that it is the people on the committee who benefit from the committee and the the things they do.The things they achieve are a by product of the social gathering.
The by product in question here is the unfortunate collection of totally tasteless multicoloured plastic and metal that hung around our streets for an embarrassing 3-4 weeks
Paul Wilkinson
Saturday, January 27, 2007 17:30
It's great to see lively debate here in the forum but please let's not descend into petty bickering.

I don't mind people posting anonymously with a valid comment, but I wouldn't like to think anyone was using multiple pseudomyns to make it appear that their point of view is shared by others.
Sunday, January 28, 2007 12:27
well said webmaster,this subject has degenerated in to a slanging match and should be closed.There has been ample VALID comment from BOTH sides

Could I just reply to Alan Pickle's addition of 30th of December in which he welcomed me aboard - I originated from South Leeds Alan but that was 40 years ago !! Still don't know whether I'm a regarded as a Suttoner !!! Have also periodically made contributions to the forum since the village web site was introduced

What a shame the contributors to this subject can only either justify their activities (positions ?) or from the "other" side knock their efforts in public.Instead of using the site to bicker why don't they put more effort in to adding subjuects of useful local interest
Alan Pickles
Tuesday, January 30, 2007 16:44
Thanks for the information at least you seem to be a sensible, level headed individual with interests other than self. Some of those who have made contribution? to this matter leave much to be desired. As you remark, "stop using the site to bicker and put more effort into adding subjects of useful interest." I leave this item here.Thank you.
David Harrison - Young
Saturday, February 3, 2007 21:23
Speaking as Chairman of Sutton Village Committee i would like to point out to all that the committee has a constitution which details that all monies raised are to be spent wholly to benefit the village of Sutton in Craven.

Also we do donate considerable amounts to numerous charities based within Sutton throughout the year and we saw the opportunity with the christmas lights to do something that would benefit the all the villagers rather than just those involved with local charities.

As regards the Energy issue some of you have raised surely it is better to put up an energy efficient light on a lampost which can be used year on year rather than chopping a live 'carbon reducing tree' down every year.

Any further questions please feel free to contact myself directly


David Harrison - Young
Sutton Village Committee
Paul Wilkinson
Sunday, February 4, 2007 09:33
Hi David

Would you like me to add a copy of the constitution to the Village Committee page on the web site?

Paul Wilkinson
Sunday, February 4, 2007 19:37
The Chairman has informed me that the constitution is only available to members of the Village Committee.
Stan Mawson
Monday, February 5, 2007 13:43
Over the past month or so I have read with not a little wry amusement some of the comments added to this subject.

It is fairly obvious that the various committee members or associates who have contributed seem to have a need for self justification/gratification.Perhaps they should realise that "you can't please all of the people all of the time" and "if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen.....".Their attitude smacks of taking their bat and ball home because someone disagreees,justifiably or not,with their actions.They accept the bouquets ,and no doubt bask in the glory,regarding their efforts of the Fun Day,Bonfire Night etc but seemingly can't take the brick bats

The last contribution by the "Chairman" appears to be sheer nonsense.Whoever heard of an elected (by whom ?) committee working to a constitution kept "secret" from those who elected them. Or are the rules made up as they go along ?.Just who did elect them ?There seems to be an awful lot of members from two families

A further shot in the foot by the Chairman in quoting environmental issues.I think you would find Carbon Dioxide emissions to atmosphere in the production of the lights and fittings from raw material to finished product far out weigh any absorbtion by a single tree.Not to mention the fuel emissions from the "cherry picker" used to erect and dismantle the fittings

Accept with grace that some people don't like the lights but there are (most probably, one would hope) quite a few who do

I note that there is a Committee meeting to be held in the King's Arms on the 23rd of February.Where may a copy of the Agenda be obtained (why not post it on the web site)and what are the Rules for election and length of term of office for Officers and Committee ,or is this a "secret" too ? Put your selves up for reselection then you can justifiably take the stance that "nobody else will do it if we don't"

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