Village Web Site Forum

Joan M. Tindale
Sunday, July 4, 2010 22:19
Well I never - are you saying that the Hitchingstone is in Sutton?? Thought it was owned by a Cowling farmer? There has been some talk of changing the boundaries again, so we had better get it right this time! Cowling Pinnacle used to be in Cowling when it was first built 1815, but rebuilt in 1899/90 just over the boundary on firmer foundations.
Paul Wilkinson
Monday, July 5, 2010 08:23
Hi Joan, doesn't the Hitchingstone mark the boundary between Sutton, Cowling and Keighley? It's just a photo of a local landmark, not trying to claim "ownership" haha.
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Monday, July 5, 2010 11:14
Well I reckon Hitchinstone is within Sutton’s boundary and I’ve got no idea why I reckon that (never realized Cowlingers were so sensitive!) and on top of that we’ve got TWO pinnacles and Cowling’s got NONE…..and the Sutton Village Committee is thinking about building a 3rd…..right in the middle of the two existing ones.
Joan M. Tindale
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 21:06
Hahahah - us Cowinheaders have got to preserve our identity - we are often "the forgotten village" up here! Probably right about the boundary, thanks.
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 08:47
I've just found out the Hitching Stone has its own website!

The Hitching Stone

I've added a link to it to the "Neighbours" section rather than "Sutton sites" as it's run by Cowling residents!

There also an interesting page here with lots of information.

Brenda Whitaker was Grime
Queensland Australia
Thursday, July 8, 2010 05:07
Hi Paul thank you for the links to information on The Hitching Stone. The second link to the Phillip Coppens website provided plenty of information. The two sites sent me off hunting for more.
Growing up in Sutton it was a regular destination for our weekend and school holiday walks but I have to admit I had no idea of the great significance of the place. Or was I told but didn't listen?
What a wonderful story one could weave around its history. I have just spent a very pleasant couple of hours looking at various sites and photos so Paul - You and Mr Google have a lot to answer for!
Thank you again for the work you do in maintaining the website and for sparking my renewed interest in many people and places.
Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, July 8, 2010 07:50
Hi Brenda, you're welcome! Hard to imagine horse racing and fairs up there, it's bleak at the best of times and boggy on the path from the Pinnacle car park. Perhaps the summers were warmer and drier back then.
Yvonne Wiseman
Thursday, July 8, 2010 19:15
I agree with Brenda - Paul you are a credit to this community in the work you do with the website. You bring so many people together.
Thankyou : )
Joan M. Tindale
Friday, July 9, 2010 22:32
Thanks for all information as above, have now sent Tanya a poem about the Hitchingstone. Treacle Billy made treacle pudding as prizes for the Hitchingstone Fair - and we have the farm Fairplace (which is in COWLING!) We still have a query on "Treacle Billy" - was he from Treacle Lane - the little road leading up to moor bottom, or was Treacle lane there before Treacle Billy -haha! William Shackleton I think? In 1841 William age 40 labourer lived in Treacle Lane, and he still lived there in 1861 with son David 48. So was Treacle Billy just named after his puddings and not after Treacle Lane, in fact did he really live in Treacle Lane?

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