Village Web Site Forum

Chris Hey
Sutton in Craven
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12:36
A Car Park For Sutton Park
I recently read that double yellow lines are being considered outside St Thomas' church to try to ease the congestion on sundays and school runs.

I live at 2 Park Ave (on the main road at the bottom of Park Ave, overlooking the park, next door to St Thomas') so i know just how bad this can get.

However i think that double yellow lines outside the church would not be the best course of action.
Yes, it means i may lose the spot where i park my car, but also it would just shift the cars elsewhere during busy times and annoy residents in the surrounding areas.

Please don't get me wrong, i do not object in the slightest to the park being as busy as it is. It's the best park around, so i love that people travel to come here.

But i think that we need to move with the times, and how about this for a solution:

The park land at the church-end of the football pitch, the bit adjacent to the Park Keepers house: it is a strip of dead space.
What about if the park wall were moved back10 or 12 foot, and parking spaces created between the trees?
If the parking spaces were perpendicular to the road, this would creat more spaces down that side than can currently fit end-to-end.

Then double yellow lines down the road on the park side.

This creates more spaces whilst easing traffic. Plus even when the park is not busy it gives off-road parking so parents and children can be safer.

Yes, a bit of work, but a win-win end result.

Who's attention would i need to bring this to for this to be considered?
Elaine Polshaw
Holme Lane, Sutton in Craven
Friday, March 27, 2015 07:09
What a good idea, I think this would be a really good and cheap way to try and combat some of the parking problems in our village. More houses means more cars and we cannot cope with traffic as it is. A car park here would be really useful for our problems at the moment.
Brenda Whitaker
Queensland Australia
Friday, March 27, 2015 22:20
Hi Chris - as someone who doesn't live in the village and should keep quiet - I am going to comment anyway.... I too think it sounds like a good idea and it is good to have positive thinking and suggestions aired in the forum. You ask who to approach, I don't know for sure but I would suggest you go to the 'LINKS' page on this site and get onto the Sutton Council website where help is available and a contact tab supplied. Good luck.
Terry Longbottom
Sunday, March 29, 2015 10:46
A park is an area of open space provided for recreational use. It can be in its natural or semi-natural state, or planted, and is set aside for human enjoyment and in this case governed by its bylaws.
Brenda Whitaker
Queensland Australia
Sunday, March 29, 2015 21:50
Hi Terry - I am suitably chastised and I believe the response from council would be in line with your posting. However, having said that, it is my experience (not in Sutton obviously) that ideas like this, discussed with the correct authority, can sometimes lead to lateral thinking about an issue and sometimes even a suitable alternative solution.
P.S. Paul could you remove one of my postings due to finger trouble. thanks
David Laycock
Melbourne Australia
Sunday, March 29, 2015 22:50
Terry, Brenda, Chris,
Terry, I agree with your statement in princple but, (and Brenda, don't feel chastised) following on with that, wouldn't it be better (as Brenda said) in consultation with the council to look at this idea, and/or discuss other parking solutions, so that what you say can be provided to a growing population with the ability to use the facilities. Otherwise I would see this as causing more problems not reducing it.
Are these lines to operate on a Church/School time table as we here in Victoria have?
I also understand Brenda's point re "us non resdents".

Nikki Barrett
Tuesday, April 7, 2015 17:08
Its almost impossible to part your car on a Sunday morning when you go to church, there are a lot of older people who would I am sure feel very upset if the yellow lines were put outside the church, and what happens when there is a wedding , funeral or christening?
Thankfully our church is still reasonably attended so to put the yellow lines outside the church I feel would not be fair.
Denise White
Thursday, April 9, 2015 12:01
I agree Nikki, we should not put yellow lines outside the church!
Paul Wilkinson
Friday, April 10, 2015 06:44
The Clerk to Sutton-in-Craven Parish Council has asked me to put up the following as it is stated in the minutes:

"Double Parking on Main Street particularly near the park and church is a major problem causing congestion. Buses are having difficulty getting through as well as cars.

Following a meeting with Highways to look at a solution. It has been proposed that an order be made for a length lines (approximately four car lengths) to prohibit parking across the front of the main Church gate. The restriction is proposed to maintain the free flow of traffic (to leave a space so cars can pull into pass without having to reverse a considerable length). The Traffic Regulation Order will have an exemption for wedding, Christening and funeral related vehicles etc."
Julian Hide
Friday, April 10, 2015 10:06
That sounds like common sense.
Sutton Juniors FC
Monday, May 4, 2015 17:09
Hi Chris, surely a really simple option would be to make the village one way from Mill St round to Bridge Road? Traffic coming from Eastburn goes around the park whilst traffic coming from Xhills turns left onto Bridge Rd. That would create the room for extra parking all along the route as on 1 lane of road would be needed.

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