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Andy Hardaker
Saturday, September 29, 2012 08:18
lunds tower
hello, I was wondering if a complete history of lunds tower exists? date and reason built, original costs/architect/stonemasons etc? also what was originally written on the blank stone?
Paul Wilkinson
Saturday, September 29, 2012 15:52
The following is from a leaflet produced by local historian Doris Riley several years ago:

"Standing on land belonging to Buxton Farm the tower was built with stone from Hangingstone Lane. Work started in 1890 and took two years to complete. The masons were local coming from Cowling, Sutton and Buxton Farm. The architects were Brosters of Keighley. The work was paid for by James Lund of Malsis Hall.

The tower has a spiral stairway with thirty nine steps leading to a balcony with magnificent views of Airedale and the surrounding countryside.

Repair and pointing was carried out in 1974 by Crosshills Naturalists' Society and in 1997 the tower was given to Sutton-in-Craven Parish Council. Since then major restoration work has been carried out by the Sutton Conservation Group."

Brenda Whitaker
Queensland Australia
Saturday, September 29, 2012 21:51
I think..? ? ?. Alan and Denis Pickles' grandfather or was it great grandfather was involved in the building of the tower. Messrs Pickles have you any comment?
Denis Marshall Pickles
Sunday, September 30, 2012 17:23
Hi Brenda. My dad always said that my great grandfather, Heaton Pickles, was employed in the construction of Lunds Tower - actually I think he said 'Thi great granfather built it!'
Andy Hardaker
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:32
hi,denis. I think your dad was correct. dont hold your breath or get too excited, haha, but I am working on getting hold of a document that could prove it. it belongs to a friend of a friend etc, who cannot find it, but knows they have it somewhere.
I posted on here to find out some info so I knew i was on the right track before I chased it up.
I will let you know more when/if I get hold of the info.


Paul Wilkinson
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:42
Paul Longbottom has provided transcripts from a couple of Keighley News articles about "Sutton Pinnacle" dating back to 1947 and 1955 - I've set up a page in the history section

Sutton Pinnacle

Denis Marshall Pickles
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 14:47
I'm sure that my dad was right. The Pickles' were stonemasons. My father was and had his own business in Sutton prior to WW2, my grandather William was a stonemason and farmer who lived at Wood Vale Farm. He was employed on the construction of Glusburn Institute. I used to have a photograph of William taken on the dome at the top of the Institute building when it was 'topped out' but sadly that has long since disappeared. Great grandad Heaton [born in Lothersdale] was a mason who, as well as helping to give Sutton its [probably] most distinctive landmark, the Pinnacle, was employed on the construction of Bradford Town Hall. According to my dad, the chaps doing the heavy work on that job - carving one vermiculated chunk of dressed sandstone per week, existed on bread, beer, onions and a bit of cheese.
Alan Pickles
Thursday, October 4, 2012 18:34
I have found a booklet written by Doris Riley which lists the information re Lunds Tower as follows:-
QUOTE. " Lunds Tower. Local Names - Sutton's Pinnacle or Ethel's Tower.
History - Planned for 1887 to commemorate Queen Victoria's Jubilee by James Lund of Malsis Hall. It used to have a cast iron plate and flagpole. Building started 1890 and finished about 1892. It stands on land belonging to Buxton Farm, the stone was taken from Hangingstone Quarry beneath.
Architect - Brosters of Keighley. Masons-Thomas Binns, Cowling, James Whiteoak, Sutton and Heaton Pickles of Buxton Farm who worked for James Lund. Labouring and carting by Martin Marshall of Sutton Mill.
Description:- This building has a doorway and spiral staircase of 39 steps with 9" rises, 3 parapet, 15"walls and several slot openings which give a little light to the stairway."
She then goes on to describe the points that can be seen from the top including Pendle hill, Buckden Pike, Soil Hill, Beamsley Beacon and several other notable places.
I look forward to hearing more when you find the sheet with the information written on.

Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Friday, October 5, 2012 06:38
I'm pretty sure that Penyghent can also be seen on a very clear day from the top of the tower.

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