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Stephen Bielby
Sutton in Craven
Friday, April 3, 2020 09:16
Hi - on our Government approved daily exercise we went through the woods that leads to the field behind Walker Close and ultimately the Dog & Gun (Malsis).

We have seen them before but never thought about asking until now but in the field there is a ruin of a stone staircase and further down the field some old large gate posts.

With the main road being called Old Hall Road we assume there was a grand hall that once stood there?

Any info on this would be greatly received as it peaked our curiosity.
Paul Wilkinson
Friday, April 3, 2020 10:42
Hi Stephen, I don't know anything about the ruins you refer to, but I suspect Old Hall refers to Glusburn Hall, a 17th century Grade II listed building on the north side of the main road. On the 1853 map it's listed as Glusburn Hall, on the 1936 map it's Glusburn Old Hall and is currently known as Old Hall Farm.

You can browse through the old maps at

Isobel Stirk
Friday, April 3, 2020 15:16
Recalling many happy times playing in the woods and walking on the footpath and through the fields to Glusburn Bridge. I can recall, as a child, in the field- as you leave the footpath at the top of the woods- a large building. In my memory is was 'red.'
Not sure what it was ( I recall being told it had been a coach house) but that could account for the ruins as it is no longer there.
Paul Wilkinson
Friday, April 3, 2020 16:32
Hi Isobel, I found the following on a page in the gallery from 1895 referring to Hayfield House...

"The mansion had 30 rooms with 5 servants to run it. They also had a gardener called Peter Smith who lived in the lodge, and a coachman who later became the chauffeur called Amos Smith - he lived in the coach house."

Paul Longbottom
Saturday, April 4, 2020 19:53
The building was the Red Barn and belonged to Hayfield House on the opposite side of the beck. The coachmans house is behind the large garage and forecourt that fronts onto Colne rd next to the entrance to Cirteq.
Terry Longbottom
Sunday, April 5, 2020 10:28
the red barn has moved its now next to bent farm
please don't go to see it while this lot is upon us.
Howard Barrett
Monday, April 6, 2020 20:57
The main road is Colne Road. Old Hall Road is at right angles to it heading in a northerly direction, about 100m from Glusburn bridge. Off Old Hall Road is Old Hall Way and Old Hall Close, the latter extending to a point that authenticates Paul's first post in this thread.

The locations of the other buildings have been pointed out, apart from the Lodge, which I always took to be the early Dormer Bungalow type building situated corner ways on right at the Cowling end of the Hayfield site and on the main road. In fact it was called Cornerways, with the lounge window looking right down the main road towards Crosshills. It was occupied by Ken Chatterton and his family, Ken being the Chief Engineer at the mill. Several changes have taken place over the years since I knew it, including the building of a few modern properties along the driveway, which, if Google maps is to be believed, the driveway is now called Cornerways! It had stone gateposts and the drive was wide enough to accommodate a coach and horses. The drive was arc shaped that ended pointing towards the lake and Hayfield Hall. I remember playing on the lake in winter school holidays but the house had been demolished some time earlier. However, Google maps still shows the lake and, presumably, its in/out connections to the beck. I believe the house was to the right of the lake as you look at it from the map.
Jayne Peckover
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 18:38
I have passed the building down Bent Lane before and though, that looks like the Red Barn, and wondered if it was another estate building, but never if it was the same building!

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