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ndrew holbrey
Thursday, October 16, 2008 16:57
Utterly disgusting proposal. How can it be possible to accept such an outlandish scheme! the local infrastructure would not be able to cope. I'm sure Airedalewould welcome all the overload too. Lets all dream of the day we can spend in our cars in the Crosshills gridlock etc. etc.
The loony councillors want building on themselves. Lets not even suggest some form of bribery. But then being yokels we must all be fools to not want to become yet another conurbation, personally i think this area is outstandng as it is and had thought to move to Sutton one day because of what it is. The mill development is acceptable. Enough said.
ps the bonfire song comes to mind.
Friday, October 17, 2008 00:14
I'm sure all these points have already been raised/thought of, but just in case,

1. At a public meeting at South Craven on the traffic issue some years ago a North Yorkshire police spokesman recognised that traffic was an issue on Main Street and coming through the villages. We asked about the possibility of banning HGV's from using the village as a through route to Colne & beyond, and were told that would not be considered unless/until there was a Thornton-in-Craven bypass. I think we all know how much worse things have become - a 20 minute wait to go from one end of Station Road to the other is by no means unusual, especially when South Craven School is in session, and this meeting was held before the housing estate beyond the Junction was inhabited.

2. These queues of traffic will necessarily have a detrimental effect on air quality and hence the health of local residents.

3. At present we are at the national average of around a three day wait for an appointment at the surgery on Holme Lane, which has had to extend its car park.

4. We have just had the upheaval of major works by Yorkshire Water on Main Street. Did the work they did futureproof the system to the extent that it could cope with so many new homes? If not, are we again looking at Main Street being dug up for weeks on end?

5. SCS is already the largest secondary school in North Yorkshire, and had numerous objections made to its latest extension. Skipton Girls and Ermysteads are facing objections to the number of children they accept from "out of area". With more residents, things can only worsen.

6. I don't believe it is possible to get onto an NHS dentists patient list in the villages as things stand.

7. A station is only of benefit if it prevents local people from driving to and parking at Steeton, not if it invites people from further up the Dale to try to get up Station Road to park and ride. The idea is meant to be to reduce traffic, not to increase it.

Liz K
Friday, October 17, 2008 11:40
Dear Andrew and Karen
Just in case you don't get many updates to this nodisc thread, it could be that most people are looking at the one titled N.O.D.I.S.C. Fantastic that you're both on board too - if either of you are up for delivering fliers or helping in any other way, pls see my latest post on the N.O.DI.S.C. thread on how to get in touch directly. Thanks, Liz

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