Village Web Site Forum

Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 09:51
Celebrating Sutton

from Katie Peacock, Sutton-in-Craven

Celebrating Sutton is an initiative that began with discussions involving some Sutton residents along with members of several key voluntary sector and statutory organisations including NYCC, NHS, Cross Hills Group Practice, Age UK, Carers’ Resource, Exclusively Inclusive and Yorkshire Housing. The purpose is to celebrate community life in Craven, beginning with Sutton, by focusing on what is strong about our community rather than what is wrong with it. We are looking at ways to bring people together to help reduce any feelings of loneliness and isolation and to promote wellbeing.

We would love people who either live or work in Sutton to complete this questionnaire. We intend to use the information gained to highlight things that are already working in our community as well as finding ways together to improve things for our community as a whole and individuals who might feel lonely or isolated for any reason (be it mental ill-health, physical ill-health, older adulthood, disability, parenthood, shift work patterns, lack of work or meaningful opportunity, fear of crime, etc).

You can fill in this questionnaire anonymously but we would love to be able to make contact to look at how together we can do more of the good stuff and make improvements as needed.

Privacy Statement: By providing your contact information you are agreeing to allow designated Cross Hills Group Practice staff and Celebrating Sutton volunteers to hold and share the information you have provided with our wider group of statutory and voluntary members in order to identify gaps in opportunities and services in accordance with the Celebrating Sutton initiative. You are agreeing to be contacted by us, using your preferred method, to follow up any offers of help and contributions to our community projects.

PLEASE NOTE: We will always handle your data confidentially and in accordance with the general data protection regulations.

Paper copies can be found and handed back in at Cross Hills surgery, South Craven library, handed in to any District Nurses.

Here is the link to the online questionnaire

Thank you for your time and we hope you will join us Celebrating Sutton!

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