Village Web Site Forum

Sunday, November 16, 2008 18:03
'The Mission'
Help. Can anyone out there remember "The Mission"? I can vaguely remember attending a meeting similar to the Band of Hope, which was held in a room in the Main Street (on the right hand side going up the hill).opposite Pighills butchers shop, near to the property belonging to the mill. This would be about the end of the war. Does it still exist if so, are there any records kept of it's history? My reason for trying to find out is to help a friend trace information about a family member who collapsed and died in the pulpit there in the late 1800s. I seem to think that it was an offshoot of one of the Methodist chapels in Crosshills.
Hazel and Tony
Saturday, November 29, 2008 19:46
The mission was on Lister Hill up the High Street, not on Main Street Alan.
Sunday, November 30, 2008 17:55
Thanks for the confirmation that I am not imagining things. Having heard nothing I was just beginning to wonder if senility has crept in. Were you members or did you have anything to do with it? Is it still there?
Monday, December 1, 2008 14:31
Monday, December 1, 2008 17:22
Thanks for the reply. I did not realise that it was young Tony Ingham's family that I was addressing. Harry and I are of an age and I doubt if he is any clearer on the outcome of the Mission than I. I suppose that there are afew left in the village who would know but they are not on line. Take care, regards to Harry, Christine, Pauline, David and of course yourselves.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 18:30
the mission

dear alan just foundout how not to have fullstops after every word,
thanks to OLIVER my grandson

Duncan McHenry
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 22:14
How nice it is to see a mention of The Mission !!!
I attended in my early teens.
I remember that Lillian Dickinson was an influential leader - she certainly taught me a lot !!!
Lillian's sister is Mary Walker who still lives in Croft Hill - she is in her 90s now !!!
I remember the Ingham family on Main Street - I think I was in the same class as Harry Ingham, Tony was a few years younger.
How the memories come flooding back.
Denise White
Thursday, December 4, 2008 14:53
Tony and Hazel... I wondered what all of the full stops were about.

Luv Denise xx
David in oz
Friday, December 5, 2008 09:36
Hi Tony and Hazel,
Haven't met you Hazel, but know Tony well. Last I saw him was at my cousin John's coming to get paid for his milk. He did send me a photo of the wedding.
Merry Christmas to you and your family from Sunny Oz.
tony hazel
Friday, December 5, 2008 11:19
hi dave in sunny oz,can you remember that 1pound noteyou
once borrowd in1960s
happy xmas to eveyone tony .hazel

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