Village Web Site Forum

Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 11:08
Campaigners from villages near Selby were in the same situation as us earlier this year. They mounted protests and came up with a brilliant slogan "STICK YOUR TOWN SOMEWHERE BROWN". A response from Selby District Council is below.

I hope Craven District Council has the strength of character to do likewise.

From Selby District Council's website at

"An announcement is expected this month on which eco town bids across the country will get central Government backing. Under current legislation a new eco town could be created without any input from Selby District Council, even though the authority would be responsible for delivering key services to residents in the new town.

At a meeting this week Councillors agreed to strongly reject the proposed new towns. The authority will also be contacting the Department for Communities and Local Government about the lack of consultation with the Council about the proposals.

Leader of Selby District Council, Cllr Mark Crane, said:

"This is not a rejection of the concept of eco towns - indeed two of the Council's key corporate priorities centre around the environment and climate change. But we do not believe that the principles of sustainability, delivering local employment, developing on brown field land and adequate provision of affordable housing can be achieved with either of these developments. Neither sites have the necessary transport or employment infrastructure."

"We also have grave concerns that such development would ignore locally agreed planning policies that have been developed in partnership in local communities and taking into consideration local needs. We'll be raising these worries with the Government to make sure the voices of people living in the Selby district can be heard."

The Council has set out several key reasons why it is objecting to the new developments.

The proposals are not justified within the agreed Regional Spatial Strategy, which sets out the areas for future development within the Leeds City Region.

There is no established need for such developments in these areas.

The infrastructure is not in place to support such developments, for example transport, energy, water and employment.

The proposals for affordable housing are inadequate and not in accord with policies already agreed by Selby District Council.

The size of such a development would be an unacceptable distraction from the development and enhancement of Selby town."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 14:33
they could build them in steeton instead
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 15:00
Steeton with Eastburn, Silsden, Addingham, Keighley and Ilkley all feature in Bradford MDC's own RSS/LDF core strategy options.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 18:18
Friday, October 17, 2008 01:11
The information linked to from the NODISC website appears to show that there have been no sites suitable for an eco-town identified anywhere in the Leeds City Region. As we clearly don't qualify for inclusion in the plan as a brownfield site, I assume their focus is on the need for affordable housing.

However, given the costs of commuting, would it not be a case of "gained on the swings, lost on the roundabout" for anyone working in Leeds in need of affordable housing to move out here?

Anything saved in rent/mortgage would surely be more than swallowed up by the cost of the commute, I would have thought. I certainly couldn't afford to do it.

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