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Howard Barrett
Sunday, October 5, 2014 20:47
Betty Mitchell (nee Monkhouse)
I have been asked by the family to advise readers of this forum that Betty passed away, peacefully, yesterday, 4th October, following a long illness.

Anyone who frequented the Baptist Church, whether as members of the YPF, Rec Club, Ladies Fellowship, Choir or the congregation will remember her, as will many other current and former members of the Sutton, Crosshils and Glusburn communities.

I will post the funeral arrangements when they become available.

I will also ensure any responses within this thread are copied to her family.
Brenda Whitaker
Queensland Australia
Sunday, October 5, 2014 21:35
That is sad news Howard and thank you for the advice.
How ironical another recent thread is about Bairstows' and I was reminiscing about the Mending. I worked alongside Betty for many years both at Bairstows and Hield Brothers at Crosshills.
We were in the Baptist choir together, she had a beautiful voice not just a choir member she sang solos too. YPF, Rec Club, Sunday School she was a big part of those and I remember her so well, concerts in the chapel hall, Sunday walks etc etc. Bless you Betty.
Denis Marshall Pickles
Monday, October 6, 2014 08:20
It saddened me to read of Betty's death when I logged on this morning. I have many happy memories of her, particularly through the Chapel and our membership of the YPF. Tell me someone, did she participate in the WigWals concert party at Holme Bridge with the likes of Roy Boothman? She was a grand lass.
Alan Pickles
Monday, October 6, 2014 09:51
Very sorry to hear the news. Betty was always the same and her smile always brightened the day. As Brenda and Denis say, there are many happy memories of which she played a big part. I was fortunate to meet up with her again after many years, at the 300th Chapel celebrations, and enjoy her company and chat.
Howard Barrett
Monday, October 6, 2014 11:22
Sorry Denis, Christine and I are about half a generation younger than yourselves and Betty. Brenda might be able to help you with that one.

However, I believe that Betty lived in Wighill St on Holme Bridge in her early years, if the "Wig" in Wigwal is a clue to the name.
Howard Barrett
Monday, October 6, 2014 19:37
I have been informed that a Service of Thanksgiving at South Craven Baptist Church, Sutton, to which all are welcome, will commence at 1.30pm, following a private cremation.
Howard Barrett
Monday, October 6, 2014 20:57
Apologies. Forgot to mention Tuesday 14th October 1.30pm.
David Laycock
Melbourne Australia
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 01:20
I am a little late in reading this, but I would like say I also knew Betty in my younger days and can only agree with the sentiments of Brenda, Denis and Alan and I send my condolencies to the families.
I remember Betty introducing herself ("Do you remember me"? )to me whilst I was talking to Peter Barsby at Church this time 2 years ago. She looked so well then and it will nice to remember her as she was then, and in the Chapel 300th anniversary photos. RIP Betty.
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Monday, October 13, 2014 01:03
I too would like to add a belated message to this thread. I wasn't aware that my cousin Betty was ill and the news of her passing is indeed very sad.

I was fortunate enough to catch up with many family members, including Betty, in London about 2.5 years ago at the 90th birthday party of my Dad's sister Rose.

Yes Brenda, Betty was gifted with a magnificent singing voice, a genetic Monkhouse trait I might add! At the wedding of Ann Dickinson and John Barrett in 1973 she sang a terrific and unforgettable solo performance during the ceremony at Sutton Baptist Chapel.

Correct Howard, Betty lived at 1, Wighill St in her younger years. They were certainly living at that address in 1950 when her father Bill passed away that same year.

My sincere condolences go out to Betty's children Steven, Corrine, Andrew and Robert.
Howard Barrett
Monday, October 13, 2014 21:32

I'll pass your condolences to the family tomorrow at the Service of Thanksgiving.
Howard Barrett
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 19:03
A full church for the Thanksgiving Service this afternoon, with all ages represented.

A rolling gallery of photos was projected onto a large screen before and after the service, depicting Betty's whole life. It was well received by the congregation.

A paper copy of this thread was given to each of her "children" They appreciated the condolences received from you and send their thanks in return.
David Laycock
Melbourne Australia
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 05:52
That was good to hear Howard.
Brenda Whitaker
Queensland Australia
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 22:55
Pleased to hear that there was a good number there to remember Betty. Thanks for the feedback Howard, and for keeping up to date, those of us who would have been there, if we could.
Andrew Mitchell
Thursday, October 16, 2014 20:07
I would like to thank everybody who attended the thanksgiving service for mum on Tuesday, and also to anybody who couldn't attend, but passed on messages and cards. Mum and Dad had many true friends and this showed by the attendance on Tuesday.
The service was absolutely fantastic, great readings and prayers , and above all a really great sing. Special thanks to the minister Rob Harris and also to David Warrington for his suprise contribution. Brilliant.

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