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Hazel Martell
Sunday, January 3, 2016 11:18
Reporting broken streetlights
Does anyone know how to report a street light which needs a bulb replacing?
Not realising that it's NYCC's responsibility, I rang the switchboard at CDC before Christmas and the person I spoke to took the details and said she would pass the information on to NYCC. I'm sure she was trying to be helpful, but it would have been better if she'd given me the number to ring myself as nothing as happened, though the streetlighting department's van drove slowly past my house the next day and might have been looking for the light (which is behind the house and not Main Street). I realise there have been two holidays and some terrible floods since I reported it to CDC, but any advice on what to do next would be very welcome - thanks!
Julian Hide
Sunday, January 3, 2016 18:50
Hi Hazel
Yvonne tried reporting this lamp a few weeks ago and was told that the best way to do this was via the internet. In trying to do so, she found that the lamp in question isn't shown on their map although the others on North St/Main St all are. Perhaps it doesn't exist any more which is why it doesn't work!!!
I managed to have it repaired a year or two ago when the one in front of us was being repaired and I asked the NYCC chap to have a look at it. I'll have another go at NYCC - it's a nuisance having to issue Jasper with a torch when he goes out for his last pee!
Hazel Martell
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 21:31
Many thanks for that, Julian. I delayed trying to report the lamp as I was hoping I might have a chance of seeing the Geminids this year if it was out in mid-December and we had clear skies, though I've heard of people being thrown out of Yorkshire for being so optimistic!! The person I spoke to at CDC said the lamp wasn't on their map, but I thought perhaps it would be on one belonging to NYCC if it's their responsibility. I'll have another go tomorrow - complete with grid reference for the wall corner - and, if that fails, I'll contact our North Yorkshire County Councillor and get him on the case. As you say, it's a nuisance having to issue Jasper with a torch - we have the same problem with Marly. Though cats are supposed to be able to see in the dark, I worry about him missing his favourite plant-pot and piddling in the bird tray!
Joan M. Tindale
Thursday, January 7, 2016 23:06
You can/could access all the street light maps on the NYCC web site (including those that are now withdrawn during the nighttime due to cutbacks.) Its a bit of a pfaff but you do get there in the end - same goes for our footpath maps
Julian Hide
Friday, January 8, 2016 09:11
As I said above - the light does not appear in any form on NYCC street lighting map.
Janet Hargreaves
Saturday, January 9, 2016 07:29
Don't know if this helps but:-
Has it a number on it - Local Authorities usually number them these days for ease of identification?
Who pays for the electric it uses - someone probably will be?
Is it on an unadopted street/free standing or attached to someones property?
Sorry if you've been here and got the t shirt!

Joan M. Tindale
Saturday, January 9, 2016 16:16
Your parish council clerk should know - some of ours in Cowling are owned by the parish, some by CD Council, and some by NYCC.
Hazel Martell
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 16:51
First of all, many thanks to everyone for their advice on this, but, as Julian pointed out, the lamp had been missed off the map which made it difficult to report online. Eventually I emailed Philip Barratt for advice and he took the matter up with NYCC's Lighting Officer. The contractors came out to the lamp - sorry, lighting column - today and found that the fault was in the cable, and not a broken lightbulb, which probably explains why the lamp behaved rather like a lighthouse for a few nights before it gave up altogether...That's now been reported to the appropriate place and we're hoping to be illuminated again before too long.
Julian Hide
Thursday, January 21, 2016 09:38
Progress of a sort, but Ye Gods, it's reminiscent of the old joke about how many folk singers does it take to change a light bulb - answer, 5, one to change the bulb and four to sing about how good the old one was. OK, so apparently it isn't the bulb, but assuming that the "bulb changer" is electrically competent, why can't he repair the cable - or is NYCC still entrenched in the jobsworth mentality of the 1960s and has a different employee for every aspect of maintenance, hopefully not all travelling from Northallerton. (Will the "bulb changer" have to come back to check it's working after the "cable repairer" has done his bit?). It's getting like the Chinese proverb - many hands make light work..........! (Sorry)
Hazel Martell
Thursday, January 21, 2016 11:45
It's probably worse than you think, Julian, as the cable doesn't belong to NYCC - instead it's the responsibility of Northern Powergrid and so NYCC has to ask them to deal with it, instead of being able to use their own contractors/workforce. I hope many hands do make light work, but Jasper might need some new batteries for his torch before it does!
Julian Hide
Thursday, March 10, 2016 09:27
Ye Gods - it's working at last! Do you think we should hold a street party to celebrate?

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