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Maurice Atkinson
Monday, March 7, 2011 08:05
Mrs Wilson's class 1952
Aaah! Christine Briggs........I had a "thing" about Christine!!!
Anne Matthews nee Currie
Monday, March 7, 2011 08:59
If my memory serves me well the names of the class are,3d row:Miss Wilson
lizabeth Baldwin,Norah Warin,Jean Reay, ?? Christine Briggs, Valerie Fryers,
Audrey Masters,Francis Hayton, Rita Edmondson,Christine Hodgson,Janet Simons,
2nd row:Jean Earle,Hazel Snowden, Sandra Wilkins, StephanieShuttleworth,Noreen Hughes,? Barrett,Andrea Shuttleworth,
Anne Currie,Ann Vollentine, Kathryn Townend,June Dickenson,Gillian Brown,
Front row, Eric Brown,Fred Butterfield, Nigel Teal, ?
Alan Pickles
Monday, March 7, 2011 09:17
MISS Rebecca Wilson will be spinning in her grave or where ever she might be. Please can we have the mistake rectified Paul? Miss Wilson was one of the best teachers ever to take charge of a class that I attended. She stood five feet tall if that but took command in every way She had a good rapport with every child in her care. I note that Anne has given her the correct title.
Paul Wilkinson
Monday, March 7, 2011 09:30
Hi Anne and Alan. Many thanks for the names and correction - I've updated the page.
Anne Matthews nee Currie
Monday, March 7, 2011 13:27
My thoughts entirely Alan about Miss Wilson, she along with Stanley Bell. No teachers pets with them as there were with some of the teachers.
David Laycock
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 09:25
By Gum is that Alan Pickles we have awakened?
Dear Anne thanks for your imput, as soon as I saw your name on the forum I knew which one was you and then on checking, I started to remember a lot of the girls again.
David Laycock
Saturday, March 12, 2011 04:06
Paul and Anne,
Check these names please 1950/1 class.
302-Anne Currie. 303- ?, 304-Francais Hayton, 305-Rita Edmonson, 306-Christine Hodgson, 307-Audrey Masters, 308-Valery Friars, 309-Andrea Shuttleworth, 310-Jean Ray, 311-Ann Vollentine, 312-Nora Warin, 201- June Dickinson, 202-Hazel Snowden, 203-Noreen Hughes, 204-Sarah Wilkins, 205-Margery Birtley, 206-Stephanie Shuttleworth, 207-? Barrett, 208-Joan Earle, 209-Janet Simons, 210-Gillian Brown.
Anne Matthews nee Currie
Saturday, March 12, 2011 18:03
David you did well, but just one or two to correct. 203 Kathryn Townend. not sure about 308,204 Sandra Wilkins not Sarah, Jean Earle not Joan is 208
Anne Matthews nee Currie
Saturday, March 12, 2011 18:14
Forgot to add next to Roy Ashworth is Alan Cox and 105 Nigel Teal
Joan M. Tindale
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 13:53
The Headmaster Sydney Laycock came down to Sutton from Cowling School just before I started, our next headmaster was Mr. Kenneth G. Lynn. Up until South Craven Secondary School was built Cowling leavers who didn't pass for the Grammar Schools went to Glusburn School (can't imagine that it was ever big enough then?) Which other primaries did the same I wonder?
Maurice Atkinson
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 18:28
As far as I recall, non-grammar school pupils from Sutton CP also went to Glusburn school prior to South Craven being built.

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